May our Holy Mother of God give us a deeper understanding of new life in Christ and learn us to say always Yes to our Lord , through the five Glorious Mysteries . She is the one who said “yes” to God and therefore allowed her will to be Gods’ Will. This is such a difficult thing for us to do. As human beings we get so busy with our lives and our desires that we often can’t determine what it is God would have us do . Mary is our Mother through great Love of Jesus , her Divine Son and our Saviour. She waits for us to ask and receive her blessed presence in our lives. Then she willingly joins us in our struggle to see God’s Will. She will help us learn to say “yes” to God. Mary, thank you for receiving us like your lost children , take care and pray for all of us .
Sunday, February 22, 2009
May Holy Immaculate Mother of God give us a deeper understanding of our privilege of Loving God through the five Joyful Mysteries . Let start each day through an Act of Love
O my God! I love Thee, with my whole heart and soul, and above all things, because Thou art infinitely good and perfect, and most worthy of all my love; and for Thy sake, I love my neighbour as myself. Mercifully grant, O my God! that having loved Thee on earth, I may love and enjoy Thee for ever in Heaven. Amen ~~
O my Divine Jesus, how shall I return You thanks for the goodness in giving Yourself to me? The only way I can repay Your Love is by loving You in return. Yes, my Lord, I love You, and I desire to love You all my life.
My Jesus, You alone are sufficient for me. Whom shall I love, if I love not You, my Jesus? You love those who love You. I love you. Oh, do You also love me. If I love You but little, give me the love which You require of me.
O Mary, my good Mother, and You glorious Saint Joseph, lend me your love wherewith to love my Jesus. Amen
Let us remember that a partial indulgence is granted to the faithful, who recite devoutly, according to any legitimate formula, the acts of the Theological Virtues ( Faith, Hope, Love~Charity) and of Contrition. God bless and be with each of you !
Saturday, February 21, 2009
May Holy Immaculate Mother of God give us a deeper understanding of our privilege of Loving God through the five Joyful Mysteries . Let start each day through an Act of Love
O my God! I love Thee, with my whole heart and soul, and above all things, because Thou art infinitely good and perfect, and most worthy of all my love; and for Thy sake, I love my neighbour as myself. Mercifully grant, O my God! that having loved Thee on earth, I may love and enjoy Thee for ever in Heaven. Amen ~~
O my Divine Jesus, how shall I return You thanks for the goodness in giving Yourself to me? The only way I can repay Your Love is by loving You in return. Yes, my Lord, I love You, and I desire to love You all my life.
My Jesus, You alone are sufficient for me. Whom shall I love, if I love not You, my Jesus? You love those who love You. I love you. Oh, do You also love me. If I love You but little, give me the love which You require of me.
O Mary, my good Mother, and You glorious Saint Joseph, lend me your love wherewith to love my Jesus. Amen
Let us remember that a partial indulgence is granted to the faithful, who recite devoutly, according to any legitimate formula, the acts of the Theological Virtues ( Faith, Hope, Love~Charity) and of Contrition. God bless and be with each of you !
Friday, February 20, 2009
Let us pray that Our Lady will give us a deeper understanding of Christ’s infinite Mercy in His indescribable painful Passion , through the five Mysteries of Sorrow In His agony on the cross - Jesus simply radiated His infinite Divine Mercy. While His enemies were pounding nails through His hands and feet, He forgave them, and prayed for their repentance. His first words on the upraised cross was a promise of Paradise to His crucified companion who a short while before had reviled Him. ”Amen, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.” Luke 23:43 Also Jesus gave Mary to John to be the whole world’s dearest mother , so much Love and Divine Mercy laid upon the whole world . The Gate of Heaven has a Cross for a key . Our Lord and Saviour Jesus gave it to us , through His sorrowful passion and infinite Divine Mercy . Jesus , thank You for Your sacrifice and salvation . Jesus , I trust in You ! Amen Lord Jesus , through the hands of Your Immaculate Mother Mary , receive this day Rosary prayer intentions : ~ for Holy Father intentions , may Lord bless and keep him , our bishops and priests ~ for all Pro-Life members , militants and donors , for all praying for Life , the primordial gift from God Father Almighty ~ for all ill and suffering people , for healing and recovery through the great Mercy of Jesus , our Saviour and Divine Physician . ~ for all unemployed people , struggling against daily requirements and problems , for all who lost all hopes and chances ~ for Peace in the whole world , for serenity and understanding between different people ~ for my mom , son , husband and rest of family , for all friends known or virtual one God bless , keep and be with each one of us !
May Our Lady will give us a deeper understanding ofHope through the five Mysteries of Glory.
While there’s hope, there’s life. Mary was hopeful, even on Calvary, because she saw God’s will in everything. Hopefulness is a virtue God expects everyone of us and for this we can pray
Hail, Mother of God. You enclosed under Your Immaculate heart the Infinite God whom no space can contain. Through You the Most Holy Trinity is adored and glorified, the priceless cross is venerated throughout the universe. Through You the Heavens rejoice, and the Angels and Archangels are filled with gladness. Through You the demons are banished, and the tempter fell from Heaven. Through You the fallen human race is admitted to Heaven. Hail Holy Mother of God . Amen
Another day in my 54 days Rosary Novena , actually I don't counting the days , I'm just praying and meditating .. I must confess that praying Sorrowful Mysteries was never easy to me , but Saint Bridget of Sweden taught us to love Jesus Crucified . Thinking of His Passion and sorrowful death will help us to understand still better the infinite Love of God for us, and the evil of mortal sin . In a time when humanity struggles to fulfill the moral good and eradicate the moral evils of the world, the words of St. Bridget echo through time, speaking to us from the visions from Christ that she shared. From one disturbing conversation she had with Him in 1372, she revealed these words:
“O my enemies, why do you so boldly commit such sins and do other things contrary to my will? Why have you neglected My Passion? Why do you not attend in your hearts to how I ’stood’ naked on the cross and cried out, full of wounds and clothed in blood? “But your eyes and heart forget and neglect all these things. And so you behave like prostitutes, who love the delight of the flesh, but not of its offspring. For when they feel a living infant in their womb, at once they procure an abortion so that without losing their fleshly pleasure, they may always engage in their foul intercourse.”
Saint Bidget is known for her Revelations, which are largely meditations on the Passion of Our Lord. Let us follow in adoration of our Lord Jesus Christ Passion and pray : Blessed are you, my Lord Jesus Christ. Fearing your passion and death, you poured forth blood from your innocent body like sweat, and still you accomplished your redemption as you desired and gave us the clearest proof of your love for all men. Eternal blessing be yours, my Lord Jesus Christ, because in your last agony you held out to sinners the hope of pardon, when in your mercy you promised the glory of paradise to the penitent thief. Blessed may you be, my Lord Jesus Christ. You redeemed our souls with your precious blood and most holy death, and in your mercy you led them from exile back to eternal life. O God, who by your Holy Spirit give to some the word of wisdom, to others the word of knowledge, and to others the word of faith: We praise your Name for the gifts of grace manifested in your servant Birgitta, and we pray that your Church may never be destitute of such gifts; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who with you and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
Our Lady will give us a deeper understanding of the Eucharist , our greatest gift of Life and Salvation , through the five Mysteries of Joy.
The Annunciation
The Visitation
The Birth of our Lord Jesus
The Presentation in the Temple
The Finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple
Our Lady will give us a deeper understanding of our privilege of loving God through the five Mysteries of Joy . Let us offer our Rosary prayers as full bloom roses and to rejoice in Jesus , our Lord and Redeemer , through Immaculate Heart of Mary . This day Rosary prayer intention : ~~ for all human life to be respected from the moment of conception until the moment of natural death, all over the world, soon and forever, I pray in Holy Name of Jesus. Amen ~~ for Peace to reign between all countries and all people, soon and forever, I ask this in Holy Name of Jesus . Amen. ~~ for all suffering people , physically or mentally afflicted , all needing the God's healing presence in their life ~~ for all Holy Father Benedict XVI February prayer intentions ~~ for all e-mailed prayer intentions , may Lord our God grant to each one of them the good answer and relief from illness or hardship in daily life ~~ for my family and for all families in the world , may Lord grant His Mercy and Real Presence for all of us . Amen
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Soon we'll enter in the Lent season and Ash Wednesday falls on February 25, 2009. In the Lent season , every Sunday we'll pray Mysteries of Sorrows . Today I offer up roses , each one of them recalling us a Glorius Mystery . Our Lady will give us a deeper understanding of the Sacraments through the five Mysteries of Glory :
The Resurrection
The Ascension of our Lord
The Descent of the Holy Spirit
The Assumption of our Lady into Heaven
The Coronation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
My daily Rosary prayer intention is offered up for all ProLife organisations and members , for all fighting the just war against terror and terrorism , for all poor and suffering , for older people and forgotten , for everyone in need of God's infinite Mercy . I'm adding my mom and son , my husband and myself , together with all virtual friends . May God bless , keep and be forever with us !
Friday, February 13, 2009
One red rose each one representing a Rosary prayer , each ten bound together in a Crown of Roses for our Lord Jesus Christ and His Holy Mother Mary , our Immaculate Mother from the sorrowful moment of the Cross . Lord have Mercy and receive my prayers through intercession of most Holy Mother Mary
Our Lady will give us a deeper understanding of suffering through the five Sorrowful Mysteries The Agony in the Garden The Scourging at the Pillar The Crowning with Thorns The Carrying of the Cross The Crucifixion Each one of these Holy Mysteries teach us to learn to carry out our sufferings and daily crosses , to remember that when we suffer, Jesus is with us in our pain helping us carry our cross . He truly Is , even sometimes we don't realize .. To tremble at pain is Christlike. Suffering is not a good thing that merely appears evil. It is an evil which human nature shrinks from - and only Grace through Faith can sanctify. This day Rosary prayer intentions : Almighty Father, we pray for the intentions of Our Lady, for your Divine Will to be done on earth as it is in Heaven, we also pray for the intentions of the Holy Father. ~ for all suffering people , in hospitas or wherever they are , lonely or not . May Lord ease their pains and heal them through His infinite Divine Mercy ~ for all people fighting with evil natural destructive forces : storms , earthquackes , wildfires , floods or any kind of calamities of nature ~ for all Pro-Life defenders and militants , that Lord our God will stop abortionist plans ~ for all righteous people fighting the just war with Terror and terrorists , for all armed forces fighting for Peace . May it be Peace in the whole world . ~ for all send in my email box prayer request , may Lord hear and answer to all prayers ~ ask you for all our personal intentions ..
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Holy Mother Mary , Queen of the Rosary and our Heavenly Mother , receive this day Rosary and the Mysteries of Glory , together with my humble devotion and faith . I will remember the The Mysteries of Glory .The Resurrection .The Ascension of our Lord .The Descent of the Holy Spirit .The Assumption of our Lady into Heaven .The Coronation of the Blessed Virgin Mary I pray that Our Lady will give us a deeper understanding of new life in Christ through the five Mysteries of Glory , that she will teach us faith, hope and burning charity. Join my in this day Rosary intentions : I pray for all australians fighting with the rage of wildfires , Mother of Mercy please pray and save them from this tragic natural disaster .
I pray for the poor and the needy, for the victims of famine, war, natural disasters, divorce, abortion, family problems. I pray for those who suffer unemployment, depression, alcohol, vices, homosexuality , sexual abuse and other problems afflict dramatically our world . Holy Mary pray for us and help your needy children , true brothers and sistes of Jesus Christ , our Lord and Saviour , your only begotten Divine Son . May Lord have Mercy , protect and bless us !
Today is Sunday , day when we pray Glorious Mysteries . I offer up roses , symbols of each Rosary prayer and recalling to a holy Glorious Mystery :
Glorious Resurection of our Lord Jesus Christ
Gloriuos Ascension
The Descendent of the Holy Spirit
The Assumption of Holy Mother of God
The glorious Coronation of Holy Mother of God
I bind these Rosary prayers and virtual roses in a crown , together with a petition of Faith , Hope , Charity , union with Christ and with His Holy Mother . May Lord receive my prayer , through the merciful intecession of Mary , Holy and ever Immaculate Mother of God !
I'm offering up a virtual white rose to our Heavenly Mother Mary , Queen of the Rosary , symbol of Mystery of Joy and I pray :
Hail Holy Queen of the most Holy Rosary , my Mother Mary , hail ! At Thy feet humbly I kneel to ofer you a Crown of Roses - snow white buds , remembering Thee of Thy Joys ~ each bud recalling you to a joyful mystery . Each ten buds bound together with my petition for a particular grace . I despair nothing that I ask of Thee , show Thyself my Mother . Amen
May Holy Mother Mary extend Her Mercy over each one passing through my journal and praying the Holy Rosary !
Thursday, February 5, 2009
and I thought that's the time to share my daily Rosary prayer intentions and meditations , together with roses for our Lord Jesus Christ and His Holy Mother Mary , our mother too .. Join me in praying Rosary ! God bless you all ! Today is Thursday , we pray Luminous Mysteries for this day Rosary prayer intentions : Heavenly Father, we humble ourselves in your Holy Presence. We confess your holiness and we acknowledge that we are sinners. In your Holy Name we forgive those who have offended us and we pray that you forgive us our sins. Grant us to be filled with your Grace, Peace, Love and the Joy of your Presence. With Mother Mary, with the holy angels and the saints, and with all creation we come to praise you, to bless you, to thank you and to glorify your Holy Name. Amen Almighty Father, we pray for the intentions of Our Lady, for your Divine Will to be done on earth as it is in Heaven, we also pray for the intentions of the Holy Father. We pray for the poor and the needy, for the victims of famine, war, natural disasters, divorce, abortion, family problems. For those who suffer unemployment, depression, racism, drugs, alcohol, vices, homosexuality, sexual abuse and other problems.They are our brothers and sisters, help them Lord, please. We also pray for ourselves; that you grant us Peace in our hearts, our families and we pray for Peace in the whole world. Lord send your Holy Spirit to renew the face of the earth, to destroy evil and darkness, sin and death, immorality, corruption, violence, hatred and impurity . We pray for the sick, very specially for the ones around us, for whom you want us to intercede. We pray for those who don't have any one to pray for them. We also ask you for all our personal intentions............ Lord hear us. Amen
HAIL, Holy Queen, Mother of mercy, our life, our sweetness and our hope. To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve. To thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley of tears. Turn then, most gracious advocate, thine eyes of mercy towards us. And after this our exile, show unto us the blessed Fruit of thy womb, Jesus. O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary. Pray for us, o Holy Mother of God, that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. Amen.
Let us pray. O GOD, whose only begotten Son, by His life, death, and resurrection, has purchased for us the rewards of eternal life, grant, we beseech Thee, that meditating upon these mysteries of the Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we may imitate what they contain and obtain what they promise, through the same Christ Our Lord. Amen.
With all my heart I praise Thee, Most Holy Virgin above all Angels and Saints in Paradise, Daughter of the Eternal Father, and I consecrate to Thee my soul with all its faculties.
Hail Mary..
With all my heart I praise Thee, Most Holy Virgin above all Angels and Saints in Paradise, beloved Mother of the Son of God, and I consecrate to Thee my body with all its senses.
With all my heart I praise Thee, Most Holy Virgin above all Angels and Saints in Paradise, beloved Spouse of the Holy Ghost, and I consecrate to Thee my heart with all its affections, and beseech Thee to obtain for me from the Most Holy Trinity all the graces necessary for salvation.